内側からの試行 Inside - Out
内側からの試行 Inside - Out
〒920-0962 石川県金沢市広坂一丁目9-11
Shuko Tanizawa is currently a student at Kanazawa College of Art. During her year as a guest student at Städelschule in Frankfurt, Germany, she began her plaster sculpture series titled Thinking from Inside.
Tong Yang is based in Frankfurt and is currently an MA student in curatorial studies at Städelschule and Goethe University of Frankfurt. Her video installation work Ghosts' Eyes was her graduation project when she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts in 2019 at the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University.
The truth is not a fixed fact that never changes. Instead, it is a process of transformation, a state that never ends. Therefore, appearances, which consist of materiality, can never fully explain the truth. In Buddhism, this focus on materiality can be seen as an obstacle—especially in our post-industrial society where we are no longer lacking in material goods. In fact, we are often overwhelmed by them. So, what should we dream about or pursue now?
There is a limitless world beneath materiality. When we turn our gaze inward and seek beyond what is visible, we discover a world beyond material possessions, beyond formalism, and, hopefully, a path to freeing ourselves from the ego.
The exhibition Inside-Out is a duo exhibition featuring Shuko Tanizawa and Tong Yang.
「Inside-Out」展は、谷沢周子と楊桐による二人展です。谷沢周子は現在、金沢美術工芸大学に在籍しており、ドイツのフランクフルトにあるシュテーデルシューレで客員学生として過ごした一年間に、「Thinking from Inside」という石膏彫刻シリーズを開始しました。楊桐はフランクフルトを拠点に活動しており、現在、シュテーデルシューレおよびフランクフルト大学でキュレーション学の修士課程に在籍しています。彼女のビデオインスタレーション作品「Ghosts' Eyes」は、2019年に香港バプティスト大学視覚芸術学院で学士号を取得した際の卒業制作でした。